Our impact

A list of some of the achievements of the Home for Good advocacy team over the years

Supported Lodgings National Network (2022 – ongoing)

  • Impact: The network now has over 120 local authorities and independent providers represented, positioning Home for Good as a key influencer in national policy and practice for supported lodgings. Through the Network, we have facilitated a sea change in both national and local government about the opportunity within supported lodgings.
  • Action: Established a national network for local authorities and organisations providing supported lodgings.

Inquiry into Adoption Leave for Self-Employed Adopters (2022 - 2023)

  • Impact: The Minister for Small Business committed to addressing the issue, agreeing to engage with key government departments.
  • Action: Conducted an inquiry through the APPG on adoption leave parity for self-employed adopters.

Engagement with the Review of Children’s Social Care in England (2021- 2022)

  • Impact: Influenced the final report to adopt key recommendations, including lifelong guardianship orders, expanded use of supported lodgings, and greater involvement with community groups.
  • Action: Led multiple initiatives, including an Open Letter on racial disparity, roundtables exploring the merits of Lifelong Guardianship Orders, and published multiple reports advocating for the expansion of supported lodgings; increased adoption stability; the potential of the Church to be recognised in supporting children and families.

Launched the Five Star Campaign (2019 - 2021)

  • Impact: The Government introduced new regulations, including a ban on unregistered care for under-18s, and developed national quality standards.
  • Action: Called for a ban on unregistered care provision and advocated for better regulations, and increased use of supported lodgings to address sufficiency challenges.

Launched the Homecoming Project (2020 – ongoing)

  • Impact: Influenced the redirection of resources towards family-based care worldwide.
  • Action: Launched a campaign to shift UK church perspectives on global childcare from institutional to family-based care.

Families of Refuge Project (2020)

  • Impact: Pioneered a first-of-its-kind pilot of recruiting supported lodgings hosts through the church, in partnership with Government and local authorities.
  • Action: Recruited families in Lewisham and Bristol who would be willing to care for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children being brought to the UK through the Government’s resettlement scheme through supported lodgings. 

‘Change His Future’ Campaign (2018 - 2022)

  • Impact: The roundtable catalysed the Racial Disparity Unit within the Cabinet Office to undertake analysis of data on this issue for the first time, which provided compelling and new evidence of the existence of significant racial disparity within the care system. Furthermore, immediate action was taken within the Department for Education and from the Children's Minister launching a national recruitment campaign to recruit adopters from Black communities. Finally, led to the Department for Education intentionally expanding the diversity of its adopter reference group.
  • Action: Launched a campaign to address racial disparity in adoption, particularly for Black boys who are significantly less likely to be adopted than other children. We hosted a No10 roundtable led by the Prime Minister’s Advisor on Civil Society and Communities.

Parliamentary Reception at Stormont (2019)

  • Impact: Strengthened our credibility in NI and led to a partnership with the Southern Trust, expanding our team, leading to more homes found for children in the region.
  • Action: Hosted a reception bringing together key stakeholders, including MLAs, families, social workers, and Trust representatives.

Established the APPG for Adoption and Permanence (2019 – ongoing)

  • Impact: The report successfully prevented the fund from being scrapped and continues to be used within the Department for Education to upskill incoming Ministers on adoption policy and practice.
  • Action: Established the APPG and released a report on the Adoption Support Fund.

Response to the Review of Foster Care in England (2018)

  • Impact: The Government’s response to this Review highlighted Home for Good’s faith-based recruitment approach as a best practice case study and encouraged agencies to ensure they were recruiting a diverse range of foster carers.
  • Action: We hosted two roundtables to emphasise the need for better support for foster carers and showcased the church's potential in recruiting altruistically motivated foster carers.


We have published a number of compelling reports that focus on particular challenges or solutions for children and young people. Take a read below, and for the full list of our reports, click here.

Sam Lomas

Date published:
12 August 2024



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