Foster Carers are urgently needed in Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole
11th December 7.30pm to 9pm
Our Vision Event is for anyone considering caring for children or teenagers through fostering, adoption or supported lodgings, in their immediate or long-term future.
Our specific focus will be the URGENT NEED FOR FOSTER CARERS across the region but there will be space and opportunity to find out more about adoption and supported lodgings.
The Home for Good team will be joined by a senior social worker from BCP, who will help to outline the experiences of children and young people and the current need for homes locally. We’ll explore together the different types of care you could offer and share some stories from those who have done this amazing work for a number of years.
There will also be a chance to ask questions and find out how Home for Good can support you. Refreshments will be provided, including mince pies.
Please do register, so that we know how many mince pies to make!
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