A prayer for Ukraine

Along with the rest of the world, Home for Good is deeply shocked to witness the events unfolding in Ukraine.

Along with the rest of the world, Home for Good is deeply shocked to witness the events unfolding in Ukraine. In times of war, it is too often children who suffer the most, experiencing the trauma of loss, fear and confusion as to why their safe and familiar surroundings have been taken away from them. We recognise the painful decisions that parents in Ukraine are being forced to make in order to keep their children safe, and we stand in solidarity and prayer with all those in Ukraine experiencing uncertainty and grief.

Whilst we have not yet seen the full tragic impact of this war on those who are being forced to flee their homes, we do encourage our community and supporters to consider how we can welcome those unaccompanied children and young people who may in the coming months arrive in the UK. Whilst there is no separate route to offering a home to a Ukranian child or family, a practical way to open your home to a child or children in need of safety and stability is to become a foster carer or supported lodgings host. Call our enquiry line on 0300 001 0995 to find out more.

This prayer is adapted from the book Every Moment Holy

A Liturgy for Moments of Emergency

O God our Rock, hold the people of Ukraine in the chaos of this hour.

O Christ our King, hold our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the storm of their distress.

O Holy Spirit, intercede for Ukraine.

We need you now, most merciful God.

Written by Home for Good


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